Thursday, 30 April 2015


I was watching a TV drama series one evening recently and heard someone randomly say "practical can get in the way of possible" - this is something that instantly struck a cord and has continued to resonate around my brain.  It was an episode of NCIS - the setting and subject matter was totally unrelated to my 'real world' situation but the words have nonetheless stuck.

I find myself often thinking about new ideas (some a bit off the wall whilst others fairly sane; isn't that the idea of Brainstorming?) in the most impractical situations - at the supermarket checkout, the shower, whilst trowelling on the make-up ready to face the world, driving the car and numerous others non work-based situations.  By the time I get to work, with a pile of messages, income and expenditure to process and a to-do list a mile long it does seem that 'practical' most definitely gets in the way of 'possible'.

I have always had an inquisitive mind and a sense of looking at the big picture but as a relative 'newbie' to the official role of SLT I am mindful that it is imperative that time is made available to ensure this valuable resource is not simply left to drift - we need to maintain a focus on what we are trying to achieve and how to create an effective plan to guide our future vision.  With that in mind I have decided to create this blog with a view to creating my own personal Brainstorming area that I can develop over time and invite others to contribute to.  Other members of the school community collaborate with their peers and my hope is that this will evolve into a form of collaboration for SBMs.  So please feel free to comment and share ideas.
Time to develop another thinking map! .... 

Already this is leading me to the idea that I could set up a 'Teach Meet' designed for School Business Managers with a Brainstorming theme - several attendees presenting on something they feel they do particularly well and could share their expertise in.  Whether working in a Local Authority School, an academy, Church School or special school we are all juggling a multitude of issues and tasks from shrinking budgets, staffing and purchasing to deteriorating school buildings, changes in HR and payroll, pensions, strategy, legal .... the list goes on (have I mentioned anything about a curriculum?)
Some time ago I created a thinking map based around the changing role of the School Business Manager and at some point I will develop this into a more meaningful blog; for the time being here is a visual representation of my day!


We have briefing sessions from time to time where information is disseminated to us but not really anything where we get together and share best practice and new initiatives.  So if you are far away but interested in being involved electronically or local and would like to attend/present then please post a comment and watch this space!

Alison Moon - School Business Manager - Warden House Primary School, Deal, Kent

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